ZWEI CLARETT⁺-VORVERSTÄRKER IN PROFIQUALITÄTNehmen Sie klare und kraftvolle Aufnahmen mit Vorverstärkern auf, die viel Headroom, geringe Verzerrung und extrem niedriges Rauschen bieten.
BRINGEN SIE STIMMEN MIT ANALOGER LUFT ZUM STRAHLENHochwertige, relaisgesteuerte analoge Schaltkreise in jedem Preamp emulieren den klassischen Focusrite ISA 110, indem sie die Impedanz auf 2,2 kΩ umschalten und zwei kumulative High Shelves hinzufügen, die insgesamt eine 4 dB-Anhebung in den hohen Frequenzen bedeuten.
NEUE UND VERBESSERTE A-D UND D-A WANDLERMit den extrem leistungsstarken, unabhängigen A-D- und D-A-Wandlern, die ein extrem geringes Rauschen, geringe Verzerrung und einen hohen Dynamikbereich bieten, können Sie überall genauere Aufnahmen machen.
LEISTUNGSSTARKER UND TRANSPARENTER KOPFHÖRERAUSGANGMit dem verbesserten Kopfhörerausgang, der bei allen Ausgangspegeln und mit jedem Kopfhörertyp einen flachen Frequenzgang bietet, können Sie Ihre besten Mischungen und Aufnahmen erstellen und erstaunliche Performances inspirieren.
JFET-INSTRUMENTENEINGÄNGEDedizierte JFET-Instrumenteneingänge mit extrem hoher Impedanz und extrem großer Audiobandbreite imitieren die Eingänge von Gitarrenverstärkern, um den natürlichen Klang von Gitarren zu erhalten und ihren wahren Charakter einzufangen.
OPTISCHER ADAT-EINGANGErweitern Sie Clarett+ 2Pre um ADAT-kompatibles Outboard-Equipment, wie z.B. Clarett OctoPre, mit acht Kanälen digitaler Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten: perfekt für jede Phase Ihrer kreativen Reise.
USB-C BUS-POWEREDDer USB-C-Anschluss liefert Bus-Power. 15-W-USB-C-Anschluss erforderlich.
*15-W-USB-C-Fähigkeit für busgespeisten Betrieb erforderlich. Finden Sie heraus, ob Sie einen 15-W-USB-C-Anschluss haben.
FOCUSRITE PLUG-IN KOLLEKTIVRegistrieren Sie sich, um regelmäßig Rabatte und exklusive Versionen der innovativsten Software-Titel zu erhalten.
FOCUSRITE STEUERUNGDie einfach zu bedienende und funktionsreiche Software für PC, Mac und iOS-Geräte gibt Ihnen die vollständige Kontrolle über alle Aspekte von Clarett+.
VIER LEISTUNGSSTARKE CLARETT⁺-VORVERSTÄRKERHören Sie jede Nuance und fangen Sie einen klaren und kraftvollen Klang mit Vorverstärkern ein, die viel Headroom, geringe Verzerrungen und ein extrem niedriges Rauschen bieten.
BRINGEN SIE STIMMEN MIT REIN ANALOGER LUFT ZUM STRAHLENHochwertige, relaisgesteuerte analoge Schaltkreise in jedem Preamp emulieren den klassischen Focusrite ISA110, indem sie die Impedanz auf 2,2 kΩ umschalten und zwei kumulative High Shelves hinzufügen, die insgesamt eine Anhebung von 4 dB in den hohen Frequenzen bewirken.
NEUE UND VERBESSERTE A-D UND D-A WANDLERMit den extrem leistungsstarken, unabhängigen A-D- und D-A-Wandlern, die ein extrem geringes Rauschen, geringe Verzerrung und einen hohen Dynamikbereich bieten, lassen sich engere Mischungen erstellen und präzisere Aufnahmen machen.
LEISTUNGSSTARKE, TRANSPARENTE KOPFHÖRERAUSGÄNGEDie beiden Ausgänge bieten einen flachen Frequenzgang, der zu den bestklingenden Aufnahmen und Mischungen inspiriert und erstaunliche Gesangsleistungen hervorruft.
ZWEI JFET-INSTRUMENTENEINGÄNGEDedizierte JFET-Instrumenteneingänge mit extrem hoher Impedanz und großer Audiobandbreite ahmen die Eingänge von Gitarrenverstärkern nach, um den natürlichen Klang von Gitarren zu erhalten und ihren wahren Charakter einzufangen.
OPTISCHER ADAT-EINGANGErweitern Sie Clarett+ 4Pre um ADAT-kompatibles Outboard-Equipment, wie z.B. Clarett OctoPre, mit acht Kanälen digitaler Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten, perfekt für jede Phase Ihrer kreativen Reise.
FOCUSRITE PLUG-IN KOLLEKTIVRegistrieren Sie sich, um regelmäßig Rabatte und exklusive Versionen der innovativsten Software-Titel zu erhalten.
FOCUSRITE STEUERUNGDie einfach zu bedienende und funktionsreiche Software für Computer und iOS-Geräte gibt Ihnen die vollständige Kontrolle über alle Aspekte von Clarett+
Acht rausch- und verzerrungsarme Clarett+-Mikrofonvorverstärker mit hoher Aussteuerungsreserve und analoger Air-Funktion mit Impedanzumschaltung und Relaissteuerung nehmen Gesang, Schlagzeug und akustische Instrumente mit präziser Klarheit auf. Zwei JFET-Instrumenteneingänge bewahren den natürlichen Klang von Gitarren, so als ob man sie an einen Verstärker anschließen würde.
Clarett+ OctoPre ist der achtkanalige ADAT-Vorverstärker, sowohl für angehende als auch etablierte Toningenieure. Er bietet acht rausch- und verzerrungsarme Clarett+ Vorverstärker mit hoher Übersteuerungsreserve und vollständig analoger Air-Schaltung und Relaissteuerung. Zeichnen Sie Schlagzeug, Gesang und akustische Instrumente mit überragender Klarheit auf. Zwei JFET-Instrumenteneingänge fangen den natürlichen Klang von Gitarren ein, genau wie beim Anschluss an einen echten Verstärker.Features
Achtkanaliger ADAT-Vorverstärker
Hochwertiger und rauscharmer AD/DA Wandler mit minimaler Verzerrung
Natürliche und klare Gitarrenaufnahmen dank JFET Instrumenteneingang
Analoge Air-Schaltung der Focusrite Studio Console (ISA 110)
8 Mic/Line Preamps mit 57 dB Gesamtverstärkung (Gain)
8 Line Inserts zum Einbinden von Outboard-Geräten
Dynamikumfang von 118 dB
48V Phantomspeisung (in zwei Gruppen schaltbar 1-4 & 5-8)
2 ADAT Ein- und Ausgänge
Wordclock In/Out
Sub-D25 Line-Ausgang
Inkl. Umfangreichem Software Bundle von Brainworx, Antares, XLN Audio und weiteren
Hochwertige A/D- und D/A-Wandler bringen klangliche Klarheit in Aufnahmesitzungen im Studio - mit hohem Dynamikbereich, extrem niedrigem Rauschen und geringsten Verzerrungen. Die außergewöhnliche D/A-Wandlung sorgt dafür, dass die Audioqualität uneingeschränkt erhalten bleibt, wenn das Audiomaterial an analoge Kompressoren, Equalizer und Effekte weitergeleitet wird.Fügen Sie Clarett+ OctoPre zu einem 2Pre, 4Pre oder 8Pre hinzu, um Ein- und Ausgänge einfach und konsistent über die ADAT-Schnittstelle zu erweitern, sodass eine komplette Band in einem Rutsch aufgenommen werden kann. Gleichzeitig können Sie die analoge Reinheit und Klarheit beibehalten - so können Sie den magischen Klang der Focusrite Studio Console in Ihre Aufnahmen miteinbringen.Enthaltene Software
Brainworx bx_console Focusrite SC
Brainworx bx_masterdesk
Brainworx bx_oberhausen
Focusrite Red 2 & 3 Plug-in Suite
Antares Auto-Tune Access
Relab LX480 Essentials
Softube Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555
XLN Audio Addictive Keys
XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2: Studio Rock
Focusrite Plug-in Collective
SA 428 MkII bietet vier der angesehenen Focusrite-Mikrofon-Preamps auf Transformatorbasis. Dank der gleichen, klassischen Schaltkreise liefert er die bekannte Audioqualität, wie schon das Original, jetzt jedoch zu einem deutlich günstigeren Preis. Dank seiner umschaltbaren Eingangs-Impedanz, den DI-Instrumenten-Eingängen und der optionalen 8-Kanal-Digital-Wandlung ist ISA 428 MkII das perfekte Frontend für den anspruchsvollen Recording-Profi.
Seit seiner ersten Vorstellung 1985 sind ISA-Mikrofon-Vorverstärker bekannt für ihre außergewöhnliche Transparenz gekoppelt mit einer subtilen Wärme, die aus dem Transformator resultiert. Mit der hinzugekommenen Impedanz-Schaltung können Anwender Mikrofone perfekt an den Vorverstärker anpassen oder kreativ damit Klangvarianten erzeugen. Das über Jahre unveränderte Design liefert noch immer unglaubliche Klarheit und den bekannten Focusrite-Klang. Genau deswegen sind auch heute Focusrite-Preamps die erste Wahl für viele Audio-Profis.
Der optionale ISA 828 8-Kanal-A/D-Wandler ist auch mit dem ISA 428 MkII kompatibel. Vier zusätzliche Eingänge neben den vier Mikrofon-Eingänge erlauben es, weitere Signale über den Wandler laufen zu lassen, sodass Sie alle acht Wandler nutzen können. Hochqualitative Burr-Brown Pro-Audio-Amplifier und das Flaggschiff in Sachen Wandler, der PCM4220, die sorgfältig in den analogen Schaltkreis eingebettet sind, sorgen für unvergleichliche Wandlungs-Performance mit einem Dynamikumfang von 122 dB und einer Jitter-Performance von weniger als 250 Picosekunden. Die Wandler-Karte kann auch nachträglich noch eingebaut werden und dank der 25-Pin D-Typ-Anschlüsse ist die nahtlose Integration in nahezu jede digitale Workstation inklusive Pro Tools HD sichergestellt.
Dank der vier Instrumenten-Eingänge mit direktem Anschluss von vorne, können Instrumente schnell und ohne zusätzliche DI-Box mit ISA 428 MkII verbunden werden. Über die Inserts lassen sich weitere Audio-Tools zwischen Preamp und Ausgängen in jeden Kanal einschleifen. Die 6-Segment-LED-Anzeigen sorgen dafür, dass auch die schnellsten Transienten noch zuverlässig angezeigt werden.
Seit 25 Jahren steht der Name Focusrite bei Audio-Profis für superbe Audio-Qualität und exzellente Ingenieurskunst. Ganz gleich, ob man den Klang klassischer Mikrofone perfekt einfangen möchte oder auf der Suche nach dem richtige Frontend für ein digitales Studio ist, ISA428 MkII ist das richtige Werkzeug zu einem sehr attraktiven Preis für diese Aufgaben.
The ISA 828 MkII incorporates eight of Focusrite's classic mic preamps, with Lundahl LL1538 transformers on every input. Each channel has the option of mic or line inputs, while inputs 1-4 also feature instrument inputs on the front panel. Each mic pre has variable input impedance, to provide a range of subtly different sonic options when using microphones, including an 'ISA 110' setting, which replicates the impedance of the original Focusrite mic pre.
Up to 60dB of gain is available, with a further +20dB of continuously variable trim, providing a huge 80dB gain range. The high-pass filter has a fixed 75Hz frequency and 18dB / octave roll-off for minimising rumble, stand-borne noise and other low-frequency sounds. The ISA 828 MkII also features per-channel, six-segment LED meters, and switchable rear-panel insert points, which allow the use of inline processors such as compressors or EQs.
Dedicated connectors for mic and line-level inputs allow all sources to be connected simultaneously, making ISA 828 MkII perfect for permanent installation in a rack. A switching power supply allows for efficient, cool operation, without sacrificing sound quality or performance, and increasing reliability over its predecessor. The optional ISA ADN8 analogue-to-digital expansion card provides eight Dante, ADAT and AES3 outputs at sampling rates of up to 24-bit / 192kHz.And as with all Focusrite Pro products, wherever you happen to be in the world, you can rely on a three-year warranty if any Focusrite Pro hardware needs repairing or replacing due to a manufacturing fault.
Optional A-D card with up to 192kHz, 24-bit sampling offers high-quality digital audio conversion to Dante, ADAT and AES3
Classic ISA mic preamp design featuring Lundahl LL1538 input transformer
Switching power supply design allows for efficient and cool operation
Front-panel instrument inputs to first four channels
Line inputs with dedicated input connectors and front-panel select switch
Switchable input impedance including classic ISA 110 setting
High-pass filter with fixed 75Hz frequency and 18dB/octave roll-off
Switchable insert points when used with A-D card
Per-channel six-segment LED peak-level meters
As with all Focusrite products, you'll also benefit from a three-year warranty
Brainworx bx_console Focusrite – exclusive plug-in that faithfully captures the sound, feel and styling of the original Focusrite ISA 110 Equaliser and ISA 130 Dynamics Modules.
Gain Range
0dB to +30dB (30-60 switch disabled) and +30dB to +60dB (30-60 switch enabled) in 10dB steps, with an additional +20dB of continuous trim
Input Impedance
Low = 600Ω, ISA 110 = 1400Ω, Med (Medium) = 2400Ω, High = 6800Ω
Max. Input Level
+25dBu, min gain, medium Z
Frequency Response
(10Hz - 122kHz): 10Hz - 122kHz ±3dB, unity gain, medium Z
-91dB (0.0028%) @ -1dBr, min gain, medium Z
-123dBu 'A'-Weighted (typical)
Signal-To-Noise Ratio
122dB 'A'-Weighted (typical), medium Z
Common-Mode Rejection Ratio
997Hz CMRR: -65dB, min gain, medium Z
Phantom Power
+48V, independently switchable per channel
High-Pass Filter
75Hz knee frequency, 18dB/Octave, independently switchable per channel
Inverts the phases of the selected input
Weight (Without Accessories)
7.05kg / 15.55lbs
Weight (With Accessories)
7.48kg / 16.49lbs
88mm / 3.46"
482mm / 18.98"
325mm / 12.80"
Gain Range
-20dB to +10dB in 10dB steps, with an additional +20dB of continuous trim
Input Impedance
Low = 470O, High = 2.4MO
Max. Input Level
+18dBu, min gain, low Z
Frequency Response (20Hz - 20kHz)
20Hz - 20kHz ±0.1dB, min gain, low Z
Frequency Response (10Hz - 110kHz)
10Hz - 110kHz ±1.2dB, min gain, low Z
-83dB (0.0071%) @ -1dBr, min gain, low Z
Signal-To-Noise Ratio
100dB 'A'-Weighted (typical), min gain, low Z
Microphone Talkback
-80dB; 20Hz - 20kHz, min gain, medium Z
Microphone Talkback
-80dB; 20Hz - 20kHz, min gain, medium Z
Microphone Talkback
-80dB; 20Hz - 20kHz, min gain, medium Z
Channel Count:
2 Channels In
Instrument Inputs
4 x 1/4" jack inputs
Instrument Inputs
4 x 1/4" jack inputs
Mic Inputs
Input: 8 x Female XLR
Channel Count
8 In and 8 Out
8 x 1/4" jack inputs
1 x DB-25 connectors (AES59)
Channel Count
8 In
1 x DB-25 connectors (AES59)
Compatible Card
1 x IEC Input
Control Functions
1 x Pot (Meter Trim)
1 x Internal, 100-240V, 50/60Hz, consumption 35W.
Operating Temperature
Operates at up to an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius
Control Functions
16 x Pots (Gain and Trim). 60 Switches (On/Off Switch, 30-60 Gain, +48V, Phase, HPF, Insert, Z In, Input, Meters Pre A-D, Clock Select and Ext. Word Clock)
ISA ADN2 is an optional two-channel A-D card that provides high-quality analogue-to-digital conversion for the ISA One mic preamp and DI. Featuring Dante, AES3, ADAT andS/PDIF connectivity, the card operates at sample rates up to 24-bit/192kHz.
The card offers primary and secondary RJ45 Dante output ports, an XLR connector for AES3 output, a TOSLINK connector for ADAT output and RCA connector for S/PDIFoutput. Word Clock I/O on BNC connectors allows synchronisation to multiple digital sources. This also includes syncing the Dante network to house clock,or for syncing external equipment to the Dante network.
Dante outputs on the card provide ISA One with network connectivity to all Focusrite RedNet devices and Red interfaces, as well as any other Dante-enabled device from hundreds of manufacturers. Metering and settings are accessed through RedNet Control, routing is configured using Dante Controller.
And as with all Focusrite Pro products, wherever you happen to be in the world, you can rely on a three-year warranty if any Focusrite Pro hardware needs repairing or replacing due to a manufacturing fault.
Two-channel analogue-to-digital converter for ISA One
Up to 24-bit/192kHz sample rate
Dante connectivity via Primary and Secondary Ethernet ports with redundancy and auto switchover in case of failure
Two-channel XLR connection for AES3 output
Two-channel RCA connection for S/PDIF output
Two-channel TOSLINK connector for ADAT output
Word Clock I/O on BNC connectors allows for synchronisation to multiple digital sources, for syncing the Dante network to house clock, or for syncing external equipment to the Dante network
RedNet Control and Dante Controller software allow Dante routing and control from a computer; no hardware patching required
Brainworx bx_console Focusrite – exclusive plug-in that faithfully captures the sound, feel and styling of the original Focusrite ISA 110 Equaliser and ISA 130 Dynamics Modules.
0 DBFS Reference Levels
Frequency Response
20Hz - 20kHz ±0.1dB
-105dB (0.0006%) unweighted, 20Hz - 20kHz; -1dBFS input
Noise In Presence Of Signal
-121dBu 'A'-Weighted (typical)
Dynamic Range
121dB 'A'-weighted (typical), 20Hz - 20kHz
Supported Sample Rates
44.1 / 48 / 88.2 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 kHz (-4% / -0.1% / +0.1% / +4.167%) at 24 bit
Clock Sources
Internal or Word Clock
Input To Input
< -100dB; 20Hz - 20kHz (driven channel at -20dBFS)
Channel Count
2 x Dante channels
1 x Male XLR
2 x Ethernet standard RJ45 connectors (Compatible with Cat 5e and above).
Channel Count
2 x Dante channels
Channel Count
2 x Dante channels
1 x Male XLR
Channel Count
2 x ADAT channels
1 x TOSLINK connectors
Channel Assignments @ 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
Port 1 = Channels 1 - 2
Channel Assignments @ 88.2 KHz, 96 KHz: SMUXI
Port 1 = Channels 1 - 2
Channel Assignments @ 176.4 KHz, 192 KHz: SMUXII
Port 1 = Channels 1 - 2
Channel Count
2 x S/PDIF channels
1 x RCA phono socket
Word Clock Input
1 x BNC 75Ω port (Switchable Termination)
Word Clock Output
1 x BNC 75Ω port
ISA ADN8 is an optional eight-channel A-D card that provides high-quality analogue-to-digital conversion for the Focusrite ISA 428 MkII and ISA 828 MkII microphone preamps. Featuring Dante, AES3 and ADAT connectivity, the card operates at sample rates up to 24-bit / 192kHz.
The card offers primary and secondary RJ45 Dante output ports, an AES59 DB25 connector for AES3 output, and a pair of TOSLINK connectors for ADAT output. Word Clock I/O on BNC connectors allows synchronisation to multiple digital sources. This also includes syncing the Dante network to house clock, or for syncing external equipment to the Dante network.
Dante outputs on the ISA ADN8 provide ISA 428 MkII and ISA 828 MkII with network connectivity to all Focusrite RedNet devices and Red interfaces, as well as any other Dante-enabled device from hundreds of manufacturers. Metering and settings are accessed through RedNet Control, routing is configured using Dante Controller.
And as with all Focusrite Pro products, wherever you happen to be in the world, you can rely on a three-year warranty if any Focusrite Pro hardware needs repairing or replacing due to a manufacturing fault.
Eight-channel analogue to digital interface for ISA 428 MkII and ISA 828 MkII
Up to 24-bit/192kHz sample rate
Dante connectivity via Primary and Secondary Ethernet ports for redundancy and auto switchover in case of failure
Eight-channel AES59 DB25 output connection for AES3
Two TOSLINK connectors for ADAT (8 channels at up to 96kHz; 4 channels at 192kHz)
Word Clock I/O on BNC connectors allows synchronisation to multiple digital sources, for syncing the Dante network to house clock, or for syncing external equipment to the Dante network
RedNet Control and Dante Controller software allow Dante routing and control from a computer; no hardware patching required
Brainworx bx_console Focusrite – exclusive plug-in that faithfully captures the sound, feel and styling of the original Focusrite ISA 110 Equaliser and ISA 130 Dynamics Modules.
0 DBFS Reference Levels
Frequency Response
20Hz - 20kHz ±0.1dB
-105dB (0.0006%) unweighted, 20Hz - 20kHz; -1dBFS input
Noise In Presence Of Signal
-121dBu 'A'-Weighted (typical)
Dynamic Range
121dB 'A'-weighted (typical), 20Hz - 20kHz
Supported Sample Rates
44.1 / 48 / 88.2 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 kHz (-4% / -0.1% / +0.1% / +4.167%) at 24 bit
Clock Sources
Internal or Word Clock
Input To Input
< -100dB; 20Hz - 20kHz (driven channel at -20dBFS)
Channel Count
8 x ADAT channels
2 x TOSLINK connectors
Channel Count
8 x AES3 channels
1 x DB-25 connectors (AES59 Combined I/O / Tascam Digital)
Channel Assignments @ 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
Port 1 = Channels 1 - 8 , Port 2 = Channels 1 - 8
Channel Assignments @ 88.2 KHz, 96 KHz
SMUXI: Port 1 = Channels 1 - 4, Port 2 = Channels 5 - 8
Channel Assignments @ 176.4 KHz, 192 KHz
SMUXII: Port 1 = Channels 1 - 2 , Port 2 = Channels 3 - 4
Channel Count
8 x ADAT channels
2 x TOSLINK connectors
Word Clock Input
1 x BNC 75O port (Switchable Termination)
Word Clock Output
1 x BNC 75O port
33.2mm / 1.31"
158.5mm / 6.24"
202.4mm / 7.97"
0.59kg / 1.3lbs
The ‘ISA One’ microphone pre-amplifier delivers Focusrite's prestigious ISA transformer-based pre-amp in a rugged and portable chassis, at a groundbreaking price. ISA One features the classic vintage microphone pre-amplifier topology from the original ISA110 module, including the Lundahl L1538 transformer and bespoke zobel network. (The original 110 pre amp formed the cornerstone of each channel of Focusrite's legendary Forte console.) The pre-amp is complemented by a line input (XLR and TRS Jack) and an independent D.I. channel, complete with dedicated gain control, active or passive impedance switch, a TRS Jack output for routing to an amp and an independent XLR output on the rear. This flexible independent D.I. makes the ISA One ideal both for engineers wishing to blend a D.I.’d guitar signal with a mic’d guitar cabinet, and for demanding performers who require a single classic solution for both guitar and vocals. A variable impedance circuit has been added, allowing the user to switch between four carefully selected input impedance settings. In addition to the original ISA110 impedance, three further impedance settings allow perfect matching, or creative mismatching of the pre amp with any microphone. ISA One also features an insert point, should the need arise to place extra processing between the pre amp or D.I. and the optional converter. Phantom power, phase reverse and a 75Hz, 18dB/octave high-pass filter are also available from the angled front fascia.
ISA Series Transformerbased Preamplifier
Encased in a rugged and portable chassis, ISA One offers the classic Focusrite microphone preamplifier at its lowest cost to date.
Flexible Independent D.I. Channel
ISA One is ideal for both engineers and demanding performers alike, featuring independent gain control, an output for routing to an amp, an independent XLR output on the rear and routing to the optional ADC.
Switchable Impedance
Choose one of four carefully selected input impedances, including the original ISA 110 setting, to suit any microphone.
Optional Stereo 192kHz ADC
This optional card embodies cuttingedge conversion technology, incorporating Focusrite analogue circuitry to deliver the best AD performance in its class (Dynamic range of 119dB).
Built to protect your ISA One from the rigors of the road. Rugged plywood construction with a solid polypropylene exterior and reinforced corners.
Headphone Output with Volume Control
ISA One can feed either a sum of the two inputs to the headphones output, or an external stereo cue mix (such as a stereo mix feed from an interface) via two TRS Jack inputs on the rear of the unit.
Dedicated Insert Point
Allows you to place extra processing between the preamplifi er or D.I. and the optional converter, such as an EQ or compressor.
You may only need a couple of mic preamps, but they need to be the very best. The ISA Two dual-mono mic pre is the ideal solution: two independent channels of the highest quality classic Focusrite mic pres, with line in and front-panel instrument inputs – no DI box required. Based on the legendary designs found in the Focusrite Forte and Studio Consoles, ISA Two is the ideal front-end for your rack.Features:Lundahl LL1538 mic input transformerRupert Neve originally chose the Lundahl LL1538 to be the input transformer on the ISA 110. To this day the Lundahl transformer remains the best microphone input transformer available, and is used in every ISA Series mic pre. Rupert Neve also perfected the Zobel network found in the ISA circuit; something which takes a lot of knowledge and a golden set of ears. This allows the ISA mic pre to maintain an extremely flat frequency response across a very wide bandwidth.Up to 80 dB of gain ISA Two offers up to 80 dB of clean, distortion-free gain. The much-heralded ISA topology also ensures low-noise even at the highest gain levels. The transformer alone supplies 20 dB of gain, while ISA’s input stage offers up to 60 dB in addition, giving an astonishing 80 dB of maximum gain on the microphone input.Variable input impedanceFour choices of input impedance, including the original ISA 110 value, allow you to match the preamp to your microphone, even if it's a vintage type, giving you the best possible sound. The impedance is selected using a switch on the front panel, and the impedance choice is remembered even once the unit is switched off and back on.User-calibrated meteringEach channel has an eight-LED array to clearly display the level of your two signals. You can line up your analogue evels with your converters or DAW by using the calibration knob on the rear panel. You will be safe in the knowledge that you have avoided clipping on the way in.Front-panel instrument and rear panel line inputsTwo 1/4in jack sockets on the front panel of ISA Two give you instant access to a transparent DI input. TRS line inputs are available on the rear panel too, and you can step through them instantly to select the one you want.Variable cut-off high-pass filterBuilt in, and easily accessed with its own large knob and illuminated button, is an extremely smooth-sounding 18 dB/octave high-pass filter of the same design as the original ISA 110 module. This is ideal for cutting out rumble, thumps and other unwanted low-frequency sounds and with a range of 16 to 420 Hz, it's easy to lose what you don’t want, and keep what you do.Rear panel balanced inserts Each channel of ISA Two has its own balanced insert point. With 1/4" TRS send and receive connections, your choice of signal processor can be connected and switched in and out using the illuminated switch on the front panel.Specification:Two channel classic Focusrite ISA transformer-based preampFront panel, per channel:
1/4" instrument input
Variable input impedance - Low, ISA 110, Medium, High
Input selection - Mic, Line, Instrument
0 - 30 dB/30 - 60 dB gain switch
Phantom power switch
Phase invert switch
0 - 60 dB gain in 10 dB steps
0 - +20 dB continuously variable trim
Variable high-pass filter with on/off switch
Insert point on/off switch
Eight-LED user-calibrated level meters
Single power switch
Rear panel, per channel:
XLR-F mic inputs
1/4" TRS line inputs
1/4" TRS Sends
1/4" TRS Returns
XLR-M line output
Single peak meter calibration dial
Single IEC power socket
Egal, welche Art von Musik Sie machen möchten, das iTrack Solo vereint die Einfachheit von iTrack, die Qualität von Scarlett und die Flexibilität, auf iPad, Mac oder PC aufzunehmen.
Das iTrack Solo bietet Ihnen einen Mikrofonvorverstärker aus der meistverkauften Scarlett-Serie mit 48V Phantomspeisung sowie einen speziellen Gitarreneingang, sodass Sie einfach anschließen und in Studioqualität aufnehmen können. Das iTrack Solo ist mit allen gängigen iOS-Musik-Apps wie Garageband, Cubasis und Auria kompatibel. Mit seinem dedizierten Stereoausgang können Sie Ihre Heim- oder Studiolautsprecher anschließen und so eine qualitativ hochwertigere Wiedergabe erzielen, als es mit dem integrierten Ausgang Ihres Geräts möglich wäre.
Das iTrack Solo ist durch ein robustes Aluminiumgehäuse geschützt, das schlank, kompakt und robust genug ist, um überallhin mitgenommen zu werden. Sie müssen es nur dann an das Stromnetz anschließen, wenn Sie es mit einem iPad verwenden. Ansonsten reicht ein einziges USB-Kabel aus, um es von Ihrem Mac oder PC mit Strom zu versorgen.
Der RedNet A16R MkII ist ein 16-Kanal-Analog-Interface für Dante-Netzwerke, mit zwei Kanälen AES3 I/O. Individuelle Eingangs- und Ausgangspegelregelungen ermöglichen eine präzise Anpassung aller I/O-Pegel über RedNet Control. Mit zwei Netzteilen sowie primären und sekundären etherCON-Netzwerkanschlüssen ist der RedNet A16R MkII perfekt für kritische Anwendungen in den Bereichen Aufnahme, Postproduktion, Live-Sound und Rundfunk geeignet. Eingebaute Redundanzfunktionen ermöglichen einen lautlosen Failover im Falle eines Strom- oder Netzwerkausfalls und bieten so Sicherheit für Systemtechniker.Die analogen Eingänge und Ausgänge werden über vier rückseitige, nach AES59 standardisierte DB25-Anschlüsse verbunden, während ein zusätzliches Paar AES3 I/O über männliche und weibliche XLR-Anschlüsse für zusätzliche Flexibilität zur Verfügung steht. Der XLR-Eingang kann neben AES3 auch DARS-Signale empfangen. Word-Clock-I/O an BNC-Anschlüssen ermöglicht es externen Geräten, sich an den RedNet A16R MkII zu synchronisieren, oder alternativ, den RedNet A16R MkII als Netzwerk-Clock-Grandmaster zu verwenden, der mit einem externen Signal synchronisiert wird. Der RedNet A16R MkII eignet sich hervorragend für Festinstallationen und wiederholtes Auf- und Abbauen: Alle Anschlüsse sind verriegelbar und bleiben auch unter Belastung gesichert, was eine sorgenfreie Installation und beruhigende Sicherheit nach der Rack-Montage bietet. Darüber hinaus verfügen alle Focusrite Pro Produkte über eine dreijährige Garantie und preisgekrönten Kundensupport.
A valuable addition to Focusrite’s RedNet range of audio-over-IP interfaces, RedNet AM2 is a compact, flexible Dante-compatible stereo monitoring unit combining headphone and line outputs for monitoring of signals from the Dante network wherever required. RedNet AM2 features a ¼" front-panel TRS headphone socket plus a pair of rear-mounted balanced line outputs with male XLR connectors for loudspeaker monitoring and other applications.
Designed to drive high or low impedance headphones at high levels, the headphone output delivers significant audio output power. The compact unit, mounted in an enclosure based around a sturdy road-worthy aluminium extrusion, is fitted with non-slip feet, and can either sit securely on a flat surface or be mounted on top of a mic stand using the standard threaded bush incorporated in the base.
RedNet AM2 includes the latest two-channel Dante receiver and provides high-quality digital to analogue conversion at up to 96kHz for accurate monitoring on loudspeakers or headphones. Two large volume control knobs are provided for Headphone and Line output levels, the latter featuring a mute button with associated LED. Other indicators show the presence of power, network and signal level.
Dual locking etherCON connectors are included to connect the network and to daisy-chain to additional network devices. The unit is powered via Power over Ethernet (PoE) or via the rear-panel barrel connector and included DC power supply.
Key Features
Cost-effective headphone/loudspeaker stereo monitoring solution for Dante offers lower system deployment costs
Superb digital to analogue conversion at up to 96kHz provides transparent and accurate audio quality
Powerful headphone amp delivers plenty of level even with high-Z headphones for maximum high-quality audibility
Independent headphone/line output level controls for maximum control
Line output mute switch instantly kills the signal to external speakers or power amps
Integrated Gigabit Ethernet switch allows connection of a second device for simpler cabling
Built-in mic stand mount plus non-slip feet – mount RedNet AM2 to a mic stand or place securely on a surface
Supported Sample Rates
44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz at 24 bit
RedNet D16R MkII is a 16-channel bi-directional digital interface for Dante networks. The 1U rackmount device features individual input and output channel level controls, allowing for precise calibration and control of all input and output levels using RedNet Control. RedNet D16R MkII features power supply and Ethernet redundancy with auto switchover in case of failure. Various connection options make RedNet D16R MkII a flexible addition to any Audio-over-IP system. A pair of DB25 multipin connectors each connect eight channels of AES3 I/O into and out of the interface, while XLR and RCA ports enable two-channel AES3 and S/PDIF connections, respectively, to be made. Sample rate conversion on every input enables external equipment to operate at different sample rates, and DARS signals are accepted on the XLR connector. Word Clock I/O on BNC connectors allows synchronisation to house clock, or syncing external equipment to the Dante network. Key Features
16-channel bi-directional digital interface for Dante networks.
Individual input and output channel level control using RedNet Control software.
Dual PSUs with locking IEC inlets.
Dual locking etherCON connectors for Primary and Secondary network connections.
Power supply and ethernet redundancy with auto switchover in case of failure.
Front-panel LED indicators for PSU, network, sample rate, signal present and clock source status.
Sample rate conversion on all input channels.
Two DB25 connectors with AES59 standard configuration; each carries eight channels of AES3 I/O.
RCA connectors for two-channel S/PDIF input and output.
XLR connections for alternate AES3 I/O and DARS input.
BNC connectors for Word Clock input and output.
Compact 1U chassis allows maximum functionality in minimum rack space.
Full operability with Focusrite RedNet and Red interfaces, plus all Dante devices from hundreds of manufacturers.
Remote routing and control using RedNet Control and Dante Controller.
64-channel bridge between MADI and Dante Networks
RedNet D64R provides the link between a Dante Ethernet-based audio system and any MADI / AES10 setup. D64R supports up to 64 channels of both coaxial and optical MADI interfaces and is completely bi-directional, allowing the use of any Dante components including RedNet’s high quality interface products with a MADI system – or MADI components with a Dante system. D64R features a sample rate converter (SRC) on each input and output allowing interfacing between MADI and Dante irrespective of the sample rate at which either system is operating. Connect a Dante network to MADI-based digital consoles, computer cards, converters and much more. In addition to both coax and optical MADI interfaces, RedNet D64R provides Word Clock in and out. The D64R features a rugged, roadworthy exterior and high internal build quality, with Ethernet and power supply redundancy. In addition, it offers a compact 1U rack-mount form factor for a full 64 channels of I/O.
Key Features
Connects a MADI system and a Dante network seamlessly together. Connect Dante to digital mixing consoles, interfaces and cards that use MADI; or extend a MADI system with RedNet’s versatile, superb-quality audio interfaces and connectivity – or any other Dante compatible devices.
Built-in redundancy with dual locking power and etherCON network connectors.
Supports both coax and optical interfaces – connect simply to any MADI equipment.
Slave either the Dante system or MADI streams to an external clock
Supports up to 64 channels of digital audio I/O at standard sample rates (44.1/48kHz) from a MADI system, 32 channels at 96kHz and 16 at 192kHz.
Sample rate conversion (SRC) on each input and output, allowing MADI and Dante systems to operate simultaneously at different sample rates.
Simple 1U rack-mount module with the classic red aluminium faceplate.
RedNet Control and Dante software allow remote routing and control from the audio computer system via a software control panel – no hardware patching required.
32-Channel Bridge between Dante Networks and Pro Tools|HD
RedNet HD32R is a 1U, 19in rack-mount Dante interface that allows Pro Tools|HD users direct access to the full benefits of the Dante digital audio networking system, including its uniquely flexible network topology and premium quality audio interfaces. The Pro Tools system is connected to the HD32R via standard Mini DigiLink ports. HD32R acts as a 64-channel (32 in/32 out) digital break in/out box, operating in the same way as a standard interface, and supporting a wide range of Pro Tools|HDX and HD cards. Up to six HD32R modules can be used with a Pro Tools|HDX system and three with Pro Tools|HD, allowing the maximum channel count for either. The HD32R features a rugged, roadworthy exterior and high internal build quality, with Ethernet and power supply redundancy. In addition, it offers a compact 1U rack-mount form factor for a full 32 channels of I/O.
Key Features
Allows Dante Ethernet-based audio networking products to interoperate fully with Pro Tools|HD & Pro Tools|HDX
Ethernet and power supply redundancy with auto switchover in case of failure and locking connectors
Provides the vital link to create an extensive high-quality audio network based on standard Cat 5e or Cat 6 wiring, bringing the latest advances in digital audio networking to Pro Tools|HD
Cost-effectively increase audio I/O quality and flexibility with RedNet interfaces
Permits multiple workstations to access the same interface hardware and I/O
No changes to Pro Tools workflow required – simple, logical assignment of RedNet I/O to Pro Tools|HD inputs and outputs
Up to 32 I/O with Pro Tools|HD over single DigiLink connection per RedNet HD32R
Additional Avid/Digidesign interfaces may be connected to expansion ports
Upgrade to RedNet interfaces while remaining fully compatible with TDM- or AAX-DSP-based plugins and saved sessions