We are pleased to announce our newest Samar AL95 figure 8 passive ribbon microphone. Years of perfecting ribbon transducers, and experience in machining and making them exclusively in house have allowed Samar Audio to create a microphone of ultimate performance for a price that is unheard for a completely US made microphone. This makes it perfect solution for home studios, artists, and engineers with budget restrictions, as well as professional engineers, whose goal is making the highest quality recordings. Specifically designed for very smooth, extended frequency response, and low distortions, it is handcrafted and meticulously assembled at the company’s Salt Lake City based shop.
This design was conceived and realized by the company’s founder, Dr. Mark Fouxman. The efficiency of the construction, such as its uni-body design, unique and innovative motor structure and parts utilization, makes for a microphone consisting of very few parts, which is the main factor for such a drastic price drop. However, do not let its budget price give you the wrong impression—this is a high end, no-compromise microphone, which will provide the highest possible level of performance and years of dependability.
At the heart of the microphone is a ‘piston’ corrugated ribbon. Compared to the regular ‘zig-zag’ corrugation, it offers lower noise, deeper, fuller, and more controlled bass response, higher output, lower resonance modes, and very high SPL handling. All those advantages are due to the ribbon motion, which is similar to that of speaker cones. A very important feature of the ribbon is its robust construction and therefore, much lower fragility than conventional ribbon microphones. Due to this, they do not require any special precautions for storage.
The ribbon motor is coupled to an in-house made amorthous-core torroidal transformer, which started its lineage from Samar’s flagship MF65. The transformer ratio and other parameters were specifically matched for this microphone. This optimization has resulted in very low distortion, noise, and neutral sonics.
Due to its modern design and linearity, the AL95 has a very wide range of applications, especially where a deep bass response and extended top are of importance. Also, its symmetrical design makes it perfect suited for M-S and Blumlein applications.
The Samar Audio AL95 comes in an injection-molded, US made carrying case with anti-vibration, shock-proof clip.
Jahre der Perfektionierung von Bändchenwandlern und die Erfahrung in der Bearbeitung und Herstellung ausschließlich im eigenen Haus haben es Samar Audio ermöglicht, ein Mikrofon mit ultimativer Leistung zu einem Preis zu entwickeln, der für ein komplett in den USA hergestelltes Mikrofon unerreicht ist. Dies macht es zur perfekten Lösung für Heimstudios, Künstler und Toningenieure mit begrenztem Budget, sowie für professionelle Toningenieure, deren Ziel es ist, Aufnahmen in höchster Qualität zu machen. Das Mikrofon wurde speziell für einen sehr glatten, erweiterten Frequenzgang und geringe Verzerrungen entwickelt und wird in der firmeneigenen Werkstatt in Salt Lake City handgefertigt und akribisch montiert.
Dieses Design wurde vom Firmengründer Dr. Mark Fouxman konzipiert und umgesetzt. Die Effizienz der Konstruktion, wie z. B. das Unibody-Design, die einzigartige und innovative Motorstruktur und die Verwendung von Teilen, führt dazu, dass das Mikrofon aus nur wenigen Teilen besteht, was der Hauptgrund für den drastischen Preisverfall ist. Lassen Sie sich jedoch nicht von seinem günstigen Preis täuschen - es handelt sich um ein kompromissloses High-End-Mikrofon, das Ihnen ein Höchstmaß an Leistung und jahrelange Zuverlässigkeit bietet.
Das Herzstück des Mikrofons ist ein gewelltes "Kolben"-Band. Im Vergleich zur herkömmlichen "Zick-Zack"-Welle bietet es ein geringeres Rauschen, eine tiefere, vollere und kontrolliertere Basswiedergabe, einen höheren Ausgangspegel, weniger Resonanzmoden und eine sehr hohe Schalldruckfestigkeit. All diese Vorteile sind auf die Bändchenbewegung zurückzuführen, die der von Lautsprechermembranen ähnelt. Ein sehr wichtiges Merkmal des Bändchens ist seine robuste Bauweise und damit eine wesentlich geringere Anfälligkeit als bei herkömmlichen Bändchenmikrofonen. Aus diesem Grund sind keine besonderen Vorkehrungen für die Lagerung erforderlich.
Der Bändchenmotor ist mit einem hausintern hergestellten Ringkerntransformator gekoppelt, der seinen Ursprung in Samars Flaggschiff MF65 hat. Das Übertragungsverhältnis und andere Parameter wurden speziell auf dieses Mikrofon abgestimmt. Diese Optimierung hat zu sehr geringen Verzerrungen, Rauschen und einem neutralen Klangbild geführt.
Aufgrund seines modernen Designs und seiner Linearität hat das AL95 einen sehr breiten Anwendungsbereich, insbesondere dort, wo eine tiefe Basswiedergabe und erweiterte Höhen von Bedeutung sind. Durch sein symmetrisches Design eignet er sich auch perfekt für M-S und Blumlein Anwendungen.
Der Samar Audio AL95 wird in einem spritzgegossenen, in den USA hergestellten Tragekoffer mit vibrations- und stoßfestem Clip geliefert. Es bietet eine 1-Jahres-Garantie für den Austausch von Teilen und Bändern (begrenzt auf zwei Dienste) und eine 15-Tage-Zufriedenheitsgarantie.
The AL959 is a logical transformation of our acclaimed AL95 ‘piston’ ribbon into one stereo unit. While it would be perfectly possible using two microphones in Blumlein, or MS configurations the AL959 stereo microphone has the very important advantages of having the matched motors in closest possible proximity resulting in perfect phase behavior between both channels, up to very high frequencies. Another benefit is much more efficient setup in live and on location situations where only one unit has to be placed with the single 4 conductor cable (with supplied Y splitter at the end).
With its compact and lightweight design, the AL959 sets a new standard in stereo microphones for live, studio, and home studio situations for all users—from artists recording their own material, all the way through to professional recording engineers—whose goal is making the highest quality recordings.
Years of perfecting ribbon transducers, as well as experience in machining and assembling them exclusively in house, have allowed Samar Audio to create a stereo microphone of ultimate performance for a price that is unheard for a completely US-made stereo ribbon microphone.
Specifically designed for very smooth, extended frequency response and low distortion, it is handcrafted and meticulously assembled at the company’s Salt Lake City based shop.
This design was conceived and realized by the company’s founder, Dr. Mark Fouxman. The efficiency of the construction, such as its uni-body design, unique and innovative motor structure and parts utilization, makes for a microphone consisting of very few parts, which is the main factor for such a drastic price drop. However, do not let its budget price give you the wrong impression—this is a high end, no-compromise microphone, which will provide the highest possible level of performance and years of dependability.
At the heart of the microphone is a ‘piston’ corrugated ribbon. Compared to the regular ‘zig-zag’ corrugation, it offers lower noise, deeper, fuller, and more controlled bass response, higher output, lower resonance modes, and very high SPL handling. All those advantages are due to the ribbon motion, which is similar to that of speaker cones. A very important feature of the ribbon is its robust construction and therefore, much lower fragility than conventional ribbon microphones. Due to this, they do not require any special precautions for storage.
The ribbon motors are coupled to custom, hand-wound, amorphous-core torroidal transformers, which draw their lineage directly from Samar’s flagship MF65. The transformer ratio and other parameters were specifically matched for this microphone, resulting in very low distortion, noise, and neutral sonics, while its symmetrical design makes it perfectly suited for M-S and Blumlein applications.
Due to its modern design and linearity, the AL959 has a very wide range of stereo applications, especially as a main microphone for orchestral, choir, or smaller groups recordings in classical, jazz, or pop/rock genres. It excels being used on drum overheads, piano, guitar, or stereo room recordings for a broad range of instruments where deep low-end and extended top range are important.
The Samar Audio AL959 comes in an injection-molded, US made carrying case with a microphone clip and Y splitter to convert between 5-pin XLR connector into a pair of 3-pin XLR’s. It features a 1-year part and ribbon replacement warranty (limited to two services), and 15-day satisfaction guarantee.
Samar Audios obsession for designing completely original, high quality, modern microphones is obvious in their new handcrafted ribbon microphone.
The VL37 uses the same components and has the same sound quality and level of performance found in our critically acclaimed MF65--the microphone, which raised the bar and set new standards for High End ribbon microphones and essentially changed how they are being used by demanding engineers in today’s high resolution recording.
The VL37 unparalleled sound is a result of our attention to detail and level of craftsmanship that goes into each and every component Samar Audio makes.
The VL37 tonal balance combines a vintage vibe with a modern sound, creating a unique but affordable recording tool. Its bi-directional, figure 8, symmetrical polar pattern is perfect when used on drum overheads, choir, piano, violin, orchestra, brass instruments, vocals, acoustic and electric guitar, room microphones, speaker cabinets, among other recording, broadcast, and classical music applications. It has a Stainless Steel body and comes in a US made wooden box and anti-vibration shockproof clip.
The VL37 high SPL handling, built in pop filter and symmetrical polar response is perfect for demanding producers, musicians and engineers in recording studios and for live sound reproduction.
one of the kind innovative design
balanced ruler flat frequency response down to 20Hz (-0.43dB) and unprecedented top end beyond 25kHz
low noise, low distortion, made in house amorphous core toroidal transformers
sophisticated motor with shortest front-to-back path ever seen in ribbon microphones
low-mass ribbon with a unique fine tuning adjustment to assure for consistency from unit to unit
proprietary corrugation process to maintain ribbon’s integrity without special handling
Handcrafted in the USA 5-year parts-2-year ribbon replacement warranty 15-day satisfaction guarantee
The VL37A is an active version of VL37 and brings its sonic performance to a new level. Specifically designed for extremely low noise it opens up a new territory of applications, notably classical music, broadcasting, movie, and studio recordings. Because of its condenser-like output level, and because of the optimized load on the ribbon and perfect impedance integration, the VL37A puts much less stress on the preamplifier and cable choices, making it a perfect and very affordable solution for projects and professional studios.
In keeping with the VL37, the motor structure and tuning of the VL37A are based on our critically acclaimed Samar MF65, all the microphones in the range use the same components. As with all of our microphones, the VL37A is entirely handcrafted and meticulously assembled using parts made exclusively in our US shop.
The VL37A tonal balance combines a vintage vibe with a modern sound, creating a unique but affordable recording tool. Its bi-directional, figure 8, symmetrical polar pattern is perfect when used on vocals, choir, piano, violin, orchestra, brass instruments, acoustic and electric guitar, speaker cabinets, drum overheads, room microphones, among other recording, broadcast, and classical music applications. It has a Stainless Steel body and comes in a US made wooden box and anti-vibration shockproof clip.
one of the kind innovative design
extremely low noise (4-5dB lower noise than already very quiet VL37)
balanced ruler flat frequency response down to 20Hz (-0.43dB) and unprecedented top end beyond 25kHz
low noise, low distortion, made in house amorphous core toroidal transformers
sophisticated motor with shortest front-to-back path ever seen in ribbon microphones
low-mass ribbon with a unique fine tuning adjustment to assure for consistency from unit to unit
proprietary corrugation process to maintain ribbon’s integrity without special handling
Handcrafted in the USA
5-year parts-2-year ribbon replacement warranty
15-day satisfaction guarantee
Following the success of our highly acclaimed handcrafted ribbon microphones, our new line of Carbon Fiber body Samar TF10 condenser microphones (to replace Omni8 TF08) offers the same obsession to uncompromised quality and attention to detail. As with the MF65 and VL37 series which set new standards for high end ribbon microphones; essentially changing how they are being used by demanding engineers in today’s high-resolution recordings, the new condenser series offers a commensurate step-up in their field.
The heart of the TF10 is a unique proprietary cardioid capsule designed by the company’s owner and chief engineer Dr. Mark Fouxman. The capsule is a single sided 3-chambered design. The 1st and 2nd chambers shape the capsule's frequency response, and the 3rd sets time delay. This 3-chamber independence allows precise optimization of all parameters; it also ensures superior frequency and phase integrity in off axis response, so it takes EQ very well. The unique construction and use of special materials eliminates the capsules parasitic capacitances and ensures low distortion and ultimate transparency, providing a very realistic sound picture. The capsule has been designed to work without usual for condenser microphones DC-to-DC bias converter, which reduces distortions even further.
Special attention has been paid to the acoustical optimization of the TF10 microphone body, where the capsule itself serves as a lollipop, without any surrounding external body. This arrangement eliminates any sound waves interference. On its bottom the capsule/lollipop mounted on a special shaped acoustical lens. These facets along with acoustically open mesh screen eliminate any standing waves and reflections and ensure the most acoustically transparent sound possible.
The circuitry of the TF10 microphones integrates the highest quality components for low noise, and very natural and low coloration sonics. The TF10 has extremely high overload capability and handles and passes an undistorted output signal up to 10V!
The TF10 Carbon Fiber body has an excellent damping to any sorts of body vibrations and ringing. The TF10 comes with slick and effective shock mount and wooden storage box.
Created to facilitate a wide range of applications the TF10 delivers smooth sound, with deep bass response and an un-hyped, sibilance free, top end. Due to the un-colored and neutral nature of the sonics built into the TF10, it is especially suitable for applications where sibilance-free sound is a priority, notably vocals and voice over applications. The extended low end and smooth top end make the TF10 an excellent choice for violins, brass instruments, mandolin, acoustic and electric guitars, drum overheads, room microphones, orchestra, and choir among other recording, broadcast, and classical music applications.
Handcrafted in the USA
5-year parts warranty
15-day satisfaction guarantee
The brand new VL373 is the latest addition to the highly acclaimed Samar Audio MF65—VL37 family.
The mission statement for the VL373 was to create a ‘true to life’ stereo image and this we have achieved by placing two ribbon elements in very close proximity to each other effectively minimizing any phase distortion up to very high frequencies. The VL373 is essentially two VL37 microphones in one chassis; a genuinely high performance stereo ribbon microphone ready to capture your finest performances.
Like the VL37, the motor structure and tuning of the VL373 are based on our flagship Samar MF65, all the microphones in the range use the same components.
Another unique feature of the VL373 is our special swivel mechanism not found in any other modern stereo ribbon microphones, this allows the user to change the angle of stereo spread. The angle can be changed from 60 to 120 degrees thus facilitating a wide range of setups from big classical orchestras, where the last rows of instruments usually get cancelled in Blumlein configuration, full choirs, to smaller ensembles, drum overheads, and single instruments, recorded in stereo.
As with our other range of ribbon microphones, the VL373 comes in passive and active VL373A versions. The passive version is a proven classical design for engineers with excellent hi gain - low noise preamplifiers. The active version is designed for extremely low noise and opens up a new territory of applications, notably classical music, broadcasting, movie, and studio recordings. Because of a condenser-like output level, and due to the optimized load on the ribbon and perfect impedance integration, the active version VL373A puts much less stress on the preamplifier and cable choices, making it a perfect and very affordable solution for projects and professional studios.
As with all of our microphones, the VL373/A is entirely handcrafted and meticulously assembled using parts made exclusively in house in our US shop.
It has a Stainless Steel body and comes in a US made wooden box and anti-vibration shockproof clip.
The VL373/A high SPL handling, built in pop filter and symmetrical polar response is perfect for demanding producers, musicians and engineers in recording studios and for live sound reproduction.
Whether it is Blumlein, MS, or XY, the VL373 is ideal for stereo recording of wide spectrum of sources, from orchestra, choir, piano, vocals, violin, brass instruments, to acoustic and electric guitar, drum overheads, room microphones, among other recording, broadcast, and classical music applications.
one of the kind highly innovative design incorporating the positioning of motors as physically close to each other as possible for very low phase distortions and ‘true to life’ stereo image
unique swivel mechanism to allow to adjust stereo spread
extremely low noise (active VL373A has 4-5dB lower noise than already very quiet VL373)
balanced ruler flat frequency response down to 20Hz (-0.43dB) and unprecedented top end beyond 25kHz
low noise, low distortion, made in-house amorphous core toroidal transformers
sophisticated motor with shortest front-to-back path ever seen in ribbon microphones
low-mass ribbon with a unique fine tuning adjustment to assure for consistency from unit to unit
proprietary corrugation process to maintain ribbon’s integrity without special handling
Handcrafted in the USA
The brand new VL373 is the latest addition to the highly acclaimed Samar Audio MF65—VL37 family.
The mission statement for the VL373 was to create a ‘true to life’ stereo image and this we have achieved by placing two ribbon elements in very close proximity to each other effectively minimizing any phase distortion up to very high frequencies. The VL373 is essentially two VL37 microphones in one chassis; a genuinely high performance stereo ribbon microphone ready to capture your finest performances.
Like the VL37, the motor structure and tuning of the VL373 are based on our flagship Samar MF65, all the microphones in the range use the same components.
Another unique feature of the VL373 is our special swivel mechanism not found in any other modern stereo ribbon microphones, this allows the user to change the angle of stereo spread. The angle can be changed from 60 to 120 degrees thus facilitating a wide range of setups from big classical orchestras, where the last rows of instruments usually get cancelled in Blumlein configuration, full choirs, to smaller ensembles, drum overheads, and single instruments, recorded in stereo.
As with our other range of ribbon microphones, the VL373 comes in passive and active VL373A versions. The passive version is a proven classical design for engineers with excellent hi gain - low noise preamplifiers. The active version is designed for extremely low noise and opens up a new territory of applications, notably classical music, broadcasting, movie, and studio recordings. Because of a condenser-like output level, and due to the optimized load on the ribbon and perfect impedance integration, the active version VL373A puts much less stress on the preamplifier and cable choices, making it a perfect and very affordable solution for projects and professional studios.
As with all of our microphones, the VL373A is entirely handcrafted and meticulously assembled using parts made exclusively in house in our US shop.
It has a Stainless Steel body and comes in a US made wooden box and anti-vibration shockproof clip.
The VL373A high SPL handling, built in pop filter and symmetrical polar response is perfect for demanding producers, musicians and engineers in recording studios and for live sound reproduction.
Whether it is Blumlein, MS, or XY, the VL373 is ideal for stereo recording of wide spectrum of sources, from orchestra, choir, piano, vocals, violin, brass instruments, to acoustic and electric guitar, drum overheads, room microphones, among other recording, broadcast, and classical music applications.
one of the kind highly innovative design incorporating the positioning of motors as physically close to each other as possible for very low phase distortions and ‘true to life’ stereo image
unique swivel mechanism to allow to adjust stereo spread
extremely low noise (active VL373A has 4-5dB lower noise than already very quiet VL373)
balanced ruler flat frequency response down to 20Hz (-0.43dB) and unprecedented top end beyond 25kHz
low noise, low distortion, made in-house amorphous core toroidal transformers
sophisticated motor with shortest front-to-back path ever seen in ribbon microphones
low-mass ribbon with a unique fine tuning adjustment to assure for consistency from unit to unit
proprietary corrugation process to maintain ribbon’s integrity without special handling
2.839,00 €*
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