Cubase Pro 13Cubase Pro 13 bietet fantastische neue Features und Workflow-Verbesserungen für das Komponieren, Recording, Produzieren und das Mixing, die Dich dabei unterstützen, Deiner Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen. Von der neu gestalteten MixConsole, dem neuen VocalChain PlugIn, neuen Chord Pads, der mitgelieferten Iconica Sketch Orchester-Library bis hin zu exklusiven neuen Sample-Packs von Grammy-Preisträger Beat Butcha & Creative Mastermind Sharooz - Cubase Pro 13 bringt Deine kreativen Ideen besser denn je zum Leben. Von elektronischen Beats bis hin zu orchestralen Arrangements - Cubase ist flexibel genug, um sich an jedes Genre anzupassen und erfüllt die kreativen Bedürfnisse von Stilrichtungen.-Geöffnete Software-Pakete sind vom Umtausch ausgeschlossen-
eLicenser / Steinberg KeyAccess Professional Audio Software from SteinbergThe Steinberg Key (USB-eLicenser) is a copy protection unit (sometimes called "dongle") which is needed to use Steinberg's software range. With the host applications Cubase 5, Nuendo 4 and WaveLab 6, the Steinberg Key (USB-eLicenser) is already included in the product package. The Steinberg Key (USB-eLicenser) is also required to run Steinberg VST instruments, but is not included in the product boxes and must be purchased separately if no Steinberg Key (USB-eLicenser) is already present on the system.The Steinberg Key (USB-eLicenser) is actually a tiny computer which stores licenses for Steinberg products, and is ocnnected to a USB port on your computer. All current Steinberg products that use a copy protection device use exactly the same system. The Steinberg copy protection system allows the storage of several licenses on the same Steinberg Key (USB-eLicenser). Licenses can also be transferred between Steinberg Keys (USB-eLicensers) with certain limitations. This can be very useful, for example in the unlikely event of a Steinberg customer wishing to sell a product.
Technische Daten und Beschreibungstexte: HALion Symphonic Orchestra ist die neue Universallösung für orchestrale Kompositionen. Steinbergs neues VST-Instrument bietet den majestätisch-gewaltigen Klang eines echten Symphonieorchesters, verpackt in einem einfach zu bedienenden Player mit hervorragender Spielbarkeit und Performance. Eingespielt von einem der besten Orchester Europas und aufgenommen mit äußerster Sorgfalt und Detailliebe, deckt die 27 GB große Library nahezu alle erdenklichen Artikulationen von Streichern, Holzbläsern, Blechbläsern und Schlaginstrumenten ab. Mit HALion Symphonic Orchestra erhalten Sie den majestätisch-gewaltigen Klang und die emotionale Tiefe eines echten Symphonieorchesters. Ob bewegende Filmmusik, ausgefeilte klassische Arrangements oder gefühlsgeladene Pop-Ballade - wann immer authentische Orchester-Kompositionen gefragt sind, liegen Sie mit HALion Symphonic Orchestra richtig. Mit Hilfe von über 15.000 Einzelsamples, die mit äußerster Sorgfalt und Detailliebe auf edlem High-End Equipment aufgenommen wurden, konnten Streicher, Holzbläser, Blechbläser und Schlaginstrumente naturgetreu nachgebildet werden. Die riesige, drei Double-Layer DVDs umfassende Klangbibliothek, enthält alle erdenklichen Artikulation und Spieltechniken. Damit stehen Ihnen schier unerschöpfliche Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung, egal ob Sie barocke Kammermusik komponieren, aktuellen RnB produzieren oder Filmmusik schreiben. Komplettes Symphonieorchester mit atemberaubend authentischen Streichern, Holzbläsern, Blechbläsern und Schlaginstrumenten 1250 InstrumentenPatches und Kombinationen (27 GB Sample Library) Fantastische Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten und voller Dynamikumfang: deckt alle gängigen Spielweisen der Instrumente ab Warmer, definierter und perfekt ausbalancierter Klangcharakter mit regelbarem natürlichen Raumklang Vielseitig einsetzbar, sowohl für Klassik wie auch für zeitgenössische Musikstile Hervorragende Spielbarkeit und intuitiver Zugang zu den wichtigsten Klangparametern Effizienter Umgang mit Systemressourcen dank modernster HALion 3 Technologie CrossPlattform (Mac/PC) Unterstützt alle gängigen PlugInFormate (VST, DXi, AU, Rewire) und StandaloneBetrieb Minimale Systemanforderungen Die minimalen Systemanforderungen geben an, welche Ausstattung ein Computer mindestens haben muss, damit die Software genutzt werden kann. Je nach Anwendungsbereich und Projektumfang kann ein leistungsstärkeres System benötigt werden. Mac • Mac OS X v10.4 • Power Mac G5 2 GHz Minimum • 1 GB RAM • 17 GB freier Festplattenspeicher • DVD-Laufwerk für die Installation benötigt • CoreAudio-kompatible Audiohardware • Steinberg Key (Kopierschutzstecker) und USB-Port benötigt* • Internet-Zugang zur Lizenzaktivierung benötigt • Zur Nutzung als PlugIn wird ein VST- (VST 2.3 oder höher) oder AU-kompatibler Host benötigt (AU kompatibel mit Logic 7.1.1). Zur Nutzung als Rewire Slave wird ein Rewire-kompatibler Host benötigt. PC • Windows XP Home oder XP Professional • Intel / AMD Prozessor 2 GHz Minimum • 1 GB RAM • 17 GB freier Festplattenspeicher • DVD-Laufwerk für Installation benötigt • Windows MME kompatible Audio-Hardware (ASIO-kompatible Audio-Hardware für Low-Lattency-Betrieb benötigt) • Steinberg Key (Kopierschutzstecker) und USB-Port benötigt* • Internet-Zugang zur Lizenzaktivierung benötigt • Zur Nutzung als PlugIn wird ein VST- (VST 2.3 oder höher) oder DXi2-kompatibler Host benötigt. Zur Nutzung als Rewire Slave wird ein Rewire-kompatibler Host benötigt *Der für den Betrieb benötigte Steinberg Key (USB Kopierschutzstecker) ist nicht enthalten. Kunden, die noch keinen Steinberg Key besitzen, müssen diesen separat erwerben. Es wird nur ein Kopierschutzstecker für alle Steinberg-Produkte benötigt. Zur Aktivierung der Lizenz auf dem Steinberg Key ist ein Internetanschluss erforderlich. Für weitere Informationen, besuchen Sie bitte die Homepage zu diesem Produkt.
Steinberg Nuendo 13Nuendo 13 offers unique and time-saving features for dialogue editors, mixing and recording engineers and rings a bellushering in a new era in post-production, game audio and beyond. Nuendo now offers a completeIntegrated workflow for authoring and mixing content for the MPEG-H audio format. There are also innovative new onesDialog recording features, such as viewing ADR scripts via a web browser on a tablet andAI-driven language processing. Nuendo 13 also includes significant advancements for Dolby Atmos productions,expanded video tracks, new voice editing plugins, and more than 20 additional workflow improvementsNew features of Nuendo 13• TonalMatch - analyzes the sound characteristics of an audio recording and transfers them to other clips using theSpectral profile (EQ) and the fundamental tone of the ambient noise.• AI-powered Voice Separator - recognizes and isolates spoken dialogues from complex background noises,including other voices, and reduces or removes unwanted vocal noises from background and ambient recordings.• ADR Taker now with Script Reader - displays ADR takes via a web browser on any tablet or laptop on the same LAN network.• Fully integrated MPEG-H support - provides a fully integrated workflow for authoring andMixing content for the object-based MPEG-H audio format.• New plugins for dialogue editing, mixing and sound design - The powerful vocal chain enables excellentLanguage editing results. A new vocoder for vocal sound design as well as two new compressors and EQs• Further development of the video engine - Track versions for video tracks make it easier to compare different video versions.With Replace Audio in Video it is now possible to export a new soundtrack to the original MP4.• Dolby Atmos 9.1.6 Support - The new Dolby Atmos renderer now supports the 9.1.6 speaker configuration.• ADM Authoring Formats - The ADM Authoring window has been updated to support various immersive formats -Dolby Atmos (internal renderer), Dolby Atmos (external renderer), MPEG-H and OSC.• Dialogue Cleanup, Editing and Recording - Cleaning up dialogue while retaining background noise,for use on another track is easier with the updated Detect Slience Panel. New ADR count-in and swipe options,and support for Netflix TTAL 1.1, including Forced Narrative and Multi-Character Attributes, has been added.-Opened software packages cannot be exchanged-
Nuendo Live is a professional multitrack live recording solution, perfectly tailored to capture live performances, from club show up to the largest concerts and festivals. Ease of use, utmost stability and an exceptional performance are combined to make your live recording session both more professional and a whole lot easier. Highlights of Nuendo Live include on-the-fly session setup, a convenient record panel, a 60-second pre-record buffer, auto-save functionality and a seamless integration with Yamaha’s CL digital mixing consoles. In plain words, Nuendo Live the ideal choice to capture the essence of now — with superior quality and without any compromises.
Top features
Advanced live recording system featuring a straightforward single-window operation, a record panel, a pre-record buffer and more
Seamless integration with Yamaha CL-series consoles for controlling essential Nuendo Live functions straight from the live console
State-of-the-art recording quality based on Steinberg’s award-winning audio engine with up to 192 kHz lets your production stand apart from the competition
Nuendo Live Record Panel shows all essential session information at once — creating confidence in demanding live situations
Advanced Session Management with auto-naming of recorded files, multiple folder creation, easy-to-use marker track, auto-save and notepad
Zero setup time thanks to automatic track creation function that make Nuendo Live record-ready in less than a minute
24+ hours recording time thanks to EBU-compliant RIFF 64 broadcast wave format in standard recording mode
Virtual Sound Check allows for easy use of previous recordings for sound check, including marker recall and 1:1 output
Deliver with confidence due to standardized rendering formats and Nuendo
Editing on the road: Nuendo Live includes essential editing functions, making it possible to create a rough edit of the recordings right after the show
Made for live
Clean and professional design
Nuendo Live highlights a user interface that you will instantly feel familiar with. Recording, editing, marker lane insertion, access to folders — everything is close at hand and can be accessed from one clearly arranged window. Dispensable options and preferences are replaced by auto-setup functions, making NuendoLive instantly ready to record. Best of all, Nuendo Live is derived from the professional look and feel of its big brother, Nuendo.
Record-ready in less than a minuteWith Nuendo Live you are ready to record in less than a minute. The application automatically creates the whole input/output setting right after the start. Plus, Nuendo Live enables you to arm all tracks at once and to set up the naming scheme of recorded tracks, folders and project files instantly. This time-saving approach allows you to concentrate on what really counts: the show.
Rock solid
Reliability is a fundamental requirement when working in the live recording industry. Nuendo Live combines exceptional performance with utmost stability thanks to a streamlined feature set with carefully selected functions based on the proven Nuendo program code.
X64-bit support for Windows & Mac
The native Nuendo Live 64-bit support under Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.7 increases the addressable amount of RAM from three gigabyte to an astonishing one terabyte. If you are dealing with large projects, you will certainly benefit from the power of 64-bit computing.
Intuitive Marker Track managementNuendo Live is designed to capture a complete show or even a festival in one single project. Due to the intuitive marker handling, you don’t have to set up individual Nuendo Live projects to distinguish between different artists or bands. The Marker Track enables you to create and name marker points on the fly, even during the recording process. Simply enter the titles of a track to easily identify them during post-production. You can also highlight a significant solo or generate a marker that indicates the recording of the next artist. Plus, the in-built notepad lets you write comments and helpful remarks. Needless to say, all notes are saved together with the session.
Auto renaming and folder creation
Nuendo Live actively supports you in managing your recording session. Recorded files are named automatically with the track number and the track name. You can also assign artist and production names, allowing you to easily identify files related to each other. Direct access to recording folders and the possibility to save the audio files of a session into different folders makes handling your session a breeze.
Soundcheck — one, two, three
Imagine doing a sound check without the artists being on stage — this is exactly what you can do with Nuendo Live. Simply use previous recordings for a Virtual Sound Check through the stereo or the multitrack output via the respective channels of your mixing console is possible. Of course, the mapping of the tracks can easily be adjusted by changing the track order using drag & drop functionality.
Meter bridge
Nuendo Live comes with a dedicated meter bridge, showing the level of the respective channels.
Stay ahead of things — Nuendo Live Record PanelNuendo Live features a convenient Record Panel that shows all the essential live recording information in one spot. Whether it is the recording length (current and total), the remaining disk space, the project timecode, the incoming timecode, the marker position or the record folder — everything you need to know is displayed in real time, providing you a bird’s eye view on your current recording session, even from a distance.
24+ hours recording without barriersNothing should interrupt your recording session. For this reason, Nuendo Live features a timecode-friendly 24-hour timeline, making it possible to record without any limits. And if you’re recording for more than 24 hours, Nuendo Live automatically adds a new day to the timeline. Plus, the software elegantly overcomes traditional file size limitations: the EBU standard RIFF 64 Broadcast Wave File format is used per default, removing the natural 4GB file size barrier of standard WAV recording files. And even when Nuendo Live is being used with a FAT32 file system, the application automatically splits recorded files before the 4GB barrier is reached.
Receive timecode without hassleAborted recordings, interrupted timecode, complicated setups — all these known issues don’t exist in the world of Nuendo Live. When you are dealing with video material, the incoming timecode can be captured to time-stamp the recorded audio files. And later on, in post-production, everything matches up perfectly.
Nuendo Live Pre-RecordCapture the essence of now — and also what happened before. Nuendo Live’s Pre-Record buffer holds up to 60 seconds of audio material before the record button is pressed. That’s why you will never miss the first beat of a performance again.
Saves the day: Nuendo Live Auto-SaveEvery show is unique and the most important aspect of a live recording job is to save each and every moment of this show to your hard drive. That’s why the auto-save system of Nuendo Live saves projects and recorded audio files automatically. And, don’t worry: typical auto-save interruptions known from other applications are a thing of the past. The auto-save process is a fully integrated Nuendo Live background function that never disturbs the ongoing recording process.
Prevention of recording accidentsIn demanding live-recording situations it happens every so often that keys and buttons are accidentally touched and — in the very worst case — recordings are lost. The good news is, with Nuendo Live you can easily prevent such recording interruptions. Simply lock Nuendo Live against unintended use during the show and you are safe. Plus, Nuendo Live even allows you to recover unfinished audio files in case a power cut occurs.
Essential editing functionsCleaning up recordings and creating a rough version of the material is pretty easy using the integrated editing capabilities of Nuendo Live. Functions such as cut, copy, paste — but also splitting and trimming of audio events — make it easy to remove unwanted noise occurring in between two songs. In this way, you can easily fine-tune your session right after the show.
Fully Nuendo-compatibleData exchange compatibility with other production companies is a must in the live-recording field. The easiest way, of course, is to open the Nuendo Live session directly within Nuendo, Steinberg’s advanced post-production environment. It’s a matter of seconds and you are ready for post-production.
Proven standards for easy file exchangeEven when audio post-production is done using third party applications, Nuendo Live makes the file transfer a straightforward matter. The choice of exportable formats includes three proven standards: (Broadcast) WAV, MP3 and AAF. Wave/Broadcast Wave files are often used for common audio file transfer after a recording session, whereas MP3 files can be used to create a small-sized rough mix. AAF is the format of choice for transferring audio files to an external system, such as Pro Tools.
Steinberg's high-quality audio engine
Award-winning sound quality
Professional audio engineers cannot make any compromises when it comes to sound quality. Steinberg’s award-winning audio engine is known for its natural sound reproduction and can be heard on numerous Grammy and Academy Award winning productions. Audio signals are internally processed with 32-bit floating point resolution based on the IEEE 754 Standard, making it possible to capture even the finest nuance of your recording.
100% sound reproduction
The Steinberg Audio Engine has been designed to provide 100% reproduction of digital audio signals. When an audio signal is not altered, the signal is absolutely identical when it is routed out of the audio engine — right down to the last bit. That means the internal engine avoids colorations, artifacts and other unwanted changes in the sound.
The internal summing bus sounds so good that there is no need for an external hardware summing box like the other systems.Steve Tushar, sound designer & sound editor
Many bands have heard the results of my recordings and immediately bought a Steinberg system as I have heard numerous times, "it is faithful to my sound".Randy Lane, FOH engineer
Superior remote control from Yamaha CL consolesNuendo Live seamlessly integrates with Yamaha’s all-new digital mixing consoles, the CL series. Once connected, you can control all vital functions of Nuendo Live directly from the touch-sensitive surface of the console. Thanks to the Extension plug-in, a software adapter that facilitates the communication between the console and Nuendo Live, CL features, such as channel name copy, marker set and transport control, are directly reflected within Nuendo Live’s user interface. Record, play, stop — everything you need is just a touch away. Plus the CL console also displays important information provided by Nuendo Live, such as current and remaining record time, making this system solution the perfect choice to master even the most demanding live recording tasks.
1:1 connection
The close connection between Nuendo Live and Yamaha’s live recording desks can also be seen by means of the channel management. All channels of the CL console are represented 1:1 in Nuendo Live, including the channel order, names and even the colors are perfectly matched between software and hardware — integration at its best.
The world’s first sample accurate synchronizer in conjunction with VST System LinkDeep integration in Steinberg NUENDO, compatible with all DAWs, Mac OS X, Windows7/Vista/XP support
Top Features
All important synchronization tasks are fulfilled within one unit
The world’s first sample accurate synchronizer in conjunction with VST System Link
Dedicated to Nuendo with a deep integration that ends up in an outstanding operation from within Nuendo
Designed and built by Colin Broad
Works with all DAWs (with some limitation), not just with Nuendo, even standalone operation is possible
Cross-platform support for Nuendo SyncStation together with Nuendo on Mac OS X, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP
Straight from the Steinberg sound lab, Padshop boasts granular synthesis at its finest to create fantastic-sounding spheres and beautifully evolving textures. This spectacular synth is designed to add the flavor of the future to your tracks!FEATURES:
Advanced granular synthesis engine with 2 independent layers and individual oscillator, edit and FX sections
Up to 8 grain streams per oscillator for impressively rich and spacious structures
Intuitive user interface for effective usability and direct accessibility
More than 400 presets dedicated to atmospheric pads and evolving textures
SoftGrain Wave ROM with hundreds of sounds for custom presets and individual tweaks
10-stage Modulation Matrix with Note Expression support for unlimited flexibility
12 different high-quality filter types for each layer
Step Modulator for rhythmic triggering of oscillators, filters, amp and pan
2 LFOs and ADSR for filters and amp envelopes
Mono and Poly Mode with Legato and Glide
FX Section with high-class modulation and delay effects
VST 3 compatible host application support
2 x 2 USB 2.0 audio interface with 1 x D-PRE and 192 kHz support
Combining an extremely compact design, extraordinary build quality, full iPad connectivity and the outstanding D-PRE mic preamp, the UR12 redefines quality for its class of 2-in 2-out USB interfaces. 24/192 converters offer you outstanding levels of audio fidelity, while the D-PRE gives your microphone recordings incredible detail, depth and dynamics.
Key features
24-bit/192 kHz
Top-of-the-range converters provide a maximum sampling rate of 192 kHz and a resolution of 24 bits, delivering pristine audio quality.
One Class-A D-PRE mic preamp
Yamaha’s highly acclaimed D-PRE preamp delivers a truly transparent and beautifully detailed sound that is unrivaled in this product class.
Rugged metal casing
Built to the most exacting standards by Yamaha’s experienced engineers, the UR12’s metal chassis is rugged enough to withstand all the rigors of the road.
Major recording software compatible
The UR12 is compatible with all major audio editing, mastering, and music production software supporting ASIO, Core Audio or WDM standard.
iPad connectivity
UR12 offers connectivity with Apple’s iPad. When paired with Steinberg’s Cubasis music app or other iOS audio apps, the UR12 offers a portable and intuitive production experience.
Latency-free hardware monitoring
The UR12 features latency-free hardware monitoring with an easy-to-use monitor source switch that allows you to choose between the direct signal and the output of your host application.
Power source selector
On the UR12 a 5 V DC port is provided to supply sufficient power when using it with an iPad. A standard USB power adaptor or an external USB battery can be connected to guarantee power stability.
Loopback function
UR12 offers an easy way to streaming performances live to the internet, with incoming audio signals merged to the playback signal from Cubase or other DAWs inside the computer.
Cubase AI included
Based on the same core technologies as the popular Cubase DAW, Cubase AI offers an intuitive feature set for composing, recording, editing and mixing.
The UR12 in detail
The UR12 proves how many first-class components can fit into a compact device at a very competitive price point. Its cleverly engineered capabilities give you all the I/O you need to quickly record your tracks…
... with full-on audio quality
…at a quality that would just a few years ago have seemed impossible on a recording device at this price point. The acclaimed D-PRE offers a sumptuously detailed, wonderfully dynamic sound, while the second input offers access to a Hi-Z input for guitars or basses. Featuring recording in stunning 24-bit quality at a whopping 192 kHz, the UR12 offers almost unheard of fidelity for recording in its class.
Portable and affordable
The UR12 has been engineered not only to offer the maximum functionality and quality in an extremely compact design, but also to be available at a very low price point. Often, smaller interfaces that are affordable for those on a tight budget mean (at best) average audio quality; this ethos has been transcended by the UR12, with its first-rate components, fantastic price/value ratio and exceedingly portable design.
iPad connectivity
The UR12 offers a Class Compliant mode for connectivity with Apple’s iPad. Combining the UR12 with an iOS audio application like Steinberg’s Cubasis gives you a remarkably intuitive music production experience. If you’re running your UR12 with an iPad, just add a portable USB battery or any standard USB power supply to provide the interface with the required current.
Integrate your system
The UR12 is compatible with all major audio editing, mastering and music production software supporting the ASIO, Core Audio or WDM standard.
UR12 also includes a special version of Cubase, Cubase AI, to offer a complete production environment in one package. And Cubase users also benefit from the auto-setup functionality which handles configuration of input and output channels and buses from within Cubase for a uniquely integrated music production environment.
Use cases
Newcomers to music production
The UR12 is the ideal interface for newcomers to digital music production, looking to record their first tracks and explore a new world of writing, recording and mixing music on their computer. Offering all the I/O needed to record vocals and guitars in outstanding quality, the UR12 also includes a streamlined and upgradable version of Cubase, Steinberg’s legendary music production system. Available at a price point that will appeal directly to musicians making their first foray into making music on a computer, the UR12 is nevertheless built to exacting standards of quality, with first-class preamps and rugged metal casing that is made to last.
Pro musicians on tour
Professional musicians on tour requiring an ultra-compact interface that makes no compromises in terms of either build or recording quality need look no further. The UR12 offers the outstanding D-PRE preamp, a Hi-Z input for connecting electric guitars and basses and a headphones output for monitoring on a plane, tour bus or in a hotel room. Its small size means that it will easily fit into your hand luggage, while the rugged metal case means that it is designed to deal with life on the road.
Live streaming of audio to the Internet
The UR12’s loopback function lets you broadcast your audio production live via the internet! Combine your live microphone signal feeding into the UR12’s mic input with the audio coming from, say, a recording of a college lecture and stream both live to the web. Or add a live voiceover to a music backing track, with both signals merged and looped back to your internet broadcasting software. You’re ready to reach the world…
Recording your friends and family — in professional studio quality
Creating recordings of those once-in-a-lifetime moments you share with the people around you can be so rewarding. And what a difference it can make if your child’s first faltering words are recorded at the poor sound quality offered by mobile phones or dictation devices but in sumptuous 24-bit/192 kHz resolution. The UR12 has everything you need to build a personal recording station in your own home, with a first-class microphone preamp and an easy-to-use program based on professional production software used by recording engineers around the world.
Record and compose music in studio quality on your laptop or iPad with the UR22mkII. With outstanding audio and build quality for its price class, the UR22mkII combines choice components with advanced connectivity and flexible I/O options to offer a full-on mobile production platform.
24-bit/192 kHz USB 2.0 audio interface
Top of the range converters provide a maximum sampling rate of 192 kHz and a resolution of 24 bits, delivering pristine audio quality.
Two Class-A D-PRE mic preamps
Yamaha’s highly-acclaimed D-PRE preamps deliver a truly transparent and beautifully detailed sound that is unrivaled in this product class.
Rugged metal casing
Built to the most exacting standards by Yamaha’s experienced engineers, the UR22mkII is rugged enough to withstand all the rigors of the road.
Latency-free hardware monitoring
The UR22mkII features latency-free hardware monitoring and an intuitive Mix knob that allows you to blend between the direct signal and the output of your host.
Compatible with major recording software
The UR22mkII is compatible with all major audio editing, mastering, and music production software supporting ASIO, Core Audio, or WDM standard.
UR22mkII offers connectivity with Apple’s iPad. When paired with Cubasis or other iOS audio apps, the UR22mkII offers a portable and effortlessly intuitive production experience.
MIDI input and output
For utmost flexibility, the UR22mkII is equipped with a MIDI I/O port — connect your favorite synth, a drum trigger module or any other MIDI device!
Loopback function
UR22mkII offers an easy way to streaming performances live to the internet, with incoming audio signals merged to the playback signal from Cubase or other DAWs inside the computer.
Power source selector
UR22mkII provides a 5 V DC port to supply power when connected to an iPad. A standard USB power adapter or an external USB battery can be plugged in to guarantee power stability.
Cubase AI included
Based on the same core technologies as Cubase, Cubase AI offers an intuitive feature set for composing, recording, editing and mixing.
Cubasis LE included
Cubasis LE is a streamlined version of Steinberg’s popular iOS music production app, offering professional music production on your iPad.
UR44 — Built to last
6x4 USB 2.0 audio interface with 4x D-PREs, 24-bit/192 kHz support & MIDI I/O
The perfect balance between connectivity and portability: the UR44 is a powerful audio/MIDI interface designed to suit a huge range of recording and production situations. Four mic preamps, six inputs, four output channels, MIDI I/O ports, onboard DSP power and full iPad connectivity offer an outstandingly flexible feature set.
Delivering pristine sound quality, the UR824 audio interface perfectly combines high-speed USB 2.0 connectivity with balanced analog and digital inputs and outputs in various formats.INPUTS AND OUTPUTS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEEThe UR824’s front panel hosts two Neutrik combo TRS/XLR connectors for balanced microphone/line input with switchable 48 volt phantom power and Hi-Z, pad push buttons for signal attenuation, gain controls with peak indicators. On the opposite side there’s a single output level rotary knob that allows you to easily adjust the levels of the eight line output signals alongside two headphone connectors, each with a dedicated level control. The output signal to be controlled by the front panel rotary is selected through the software.The rear panel provides six Neutrik combo TRS/XLR inputs and eight analog balanced TRS outputs as well as two pairs of optical ADAT inputs and outputs. Also on board are two BNC connectors for –switchable word clock input and output. Developed by using advanced technologies to offer seamless scalability, this mixing and recording interface offers options to expand the number of analog inputs and outputs across the system via ADAT to provide up to 24 input and output channels.For signal synchronization, the UR824 interface also features JetPLL, a patent-applied solution for audio network jitter. JetPLL provides the same performance as traditional, expensive clocking solutions found in the world’s best professional clocking products.FEATURES:
24-bit/96 kHz USB 2.0 audio interface
Analog 8 in and 8 out with 8 D-Pre Class-A mic preamps supporting +48 V
2 pairs of ADAT optical I/O (doubles as S/PDIF) provide 16 in and 16 out (S/MUX compatible, 8 in and 8 out @ 96 kHz)
Latency-free DSP-powered monitoring with one REV-X reverb and 8 Channel Strips with any DAW by using the latest dspMixFx technology
Native VST 3 plug-ins of REV-X and Sweet Spot Morphing Channel Strip additionally included
2 separate headphone buses with individual outputs
Word clock I/O with 2 BNC connectors plus JetPLL ultra-low jitter support
Cubase AI 6 music production software included
Cross-platform compatibility for Mac OS X and Windows
Sequel Content Sets turn Sequel 3, Sequel 2, Sequel LE, Sequel LE Campus, Cubase 6, Cubase Artist 6, Cubase 5, Cubase Studio 5 or Cubase Essential 5 into a fully fledged music factory for your favorite music style! With hundreds of outstanding audio loops from top producers, each content set offers a stunning array of loops to ignite song ideas and fuel your creative flow. Conveniently organized into easy-to-use construction kits, the Sequel Content Sets are so easy to access that you can get them into your projects straight away.Demo songs are included to show you the full creative potential of each content set. These unique content sets are a must-have for anyone into any of these specific genres!
Hundreds of top-quality audio loops
Easy-to-use categorized construction kits
Easy to download (approx. 400 MB)
For Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.6
VST Sound Loop Sets provide you with an inspiring palette of sounds and loops for one specific genre. Prolific producers and hotly tipped sound designers are teaming up with Steinberg to provide an authentic and up-to-date collection of high-quality sounds — well-tailored to a distinctive music style, whether it is minimal or jazz, new metal or dub, ambient or funk. Conveniently laid out in construction kits and instantly accessible through the Cubase and Sequel MediaBay, VST Sound Loop Sets give you ready-to-use loops at an attractive price. Highlights:Conveniently laid out in construction kitsInstantly accessible through the Cubase and Sequel MediaBayAuthentic and up-to-date collection of 24-bit high-quality soundsDUBSTEP VST SOUND LOOP SET:The Dubstep VST Sound Loop Set adds the flair of the latest UK underground movement to your production. Conveniently laid out in 28 construction kits, this collection contains a distinctive range of pumping beats, slamming breaks and wobbling basses from the deepest corners of London’s electronic music scene. Dubstep is the perfect for everyone looking for the next sub bass anthem.INDIE ROCK VST SOUND LOOP SET:The Indie Rock VST Sound Loop Set includes hand-made independent rock at its best. Ranging from melancholic acoustic guitar rhythms to powerful raw leads, this loop collection portrays the sound of modern alternative music played in garages and rehearsal rooms all over the world. Conveniently laid out in 25 construction kits, the Indie Rock VST Sound Loop Set is a reliable go-to source for inspiration and creativity.NU METAL VST SOUND LOOP SET:The Nu Metal VST Sound Loop Set brings back the energy of metal core’s high times. Aggressive riffs and powerful chords paired with grooving drum loops, all conveniently laid out in 11 extenisive construction kits, transform your production room into a mosh pit. All sounds and loops were exclusively recorded and selected for this distinctive collection and contain all of nu metal’s facets from down-tuned guitars to growling vocals.URBAN VST SOUND LOOP SET:The Urban VST Sound Loop Set boasts a variety of modern hip-hop, R’n’B and soul loops conveniently laid out in 24 construction kits. Ranging from down beat crunk anthems to up-tempo club bangers, this loop set offers a broad spectrum of contemporary urban music. All loops were exclusively recorded for this authentic collection to meet the heart and soul of today’s city life.AMBIENT LOUNGE VST SOUND LOOP SET:Ambient Lounge is a slow-to-mid-tempo loop collection for modern-day ambient productions. Jazzy, real world percussion and organic basses collide with mellow bells and dub-drenched textures to provide a truly soulful sound library for electronic music producers. Conveniently laid out in 24 construction kits, this distinctive set of loops ranges from natural to cutting edge and is a valuable addition to your existing sound library.ELECTRONIC MODE VST SOUND LOOP SET:Electronic Mode enhances your sound library with a club-proven selection of electronic loops. Comprising four-to-the-floor beats, propulsive bass lines and Paris-flavored synths, this chameleon-like collection is perfect for dance floor addicts and electronic music producers alike. From London to Lisbon and Berlin to Barcelona, this loop collection brings the latest European club sounds right to your fingertips.MINIMAL SESSIONS VST SOUND LOOP SET:Thunderous basses, swirling effects and pared-down drums — Minimal Sessions is a club-worthy loop collection that is tailored to maximize the sonic taste of your minimal techno productions. With a selection of noises, bits and clicks and a beautiful touch of dissonance, this loop set transfers the latest Berlin-to-Detroit sounds to your workstation. 34 construction kits are included to add minimal aesthetics to any techno-based production. For Cubase 6, Cubase Artist 6, Cubase Elements 6 and Sequel 3.PROGRESSIVE HOUSE VST SOUND LOOP SET:Inspired by the latest flavors in the progressive house genre, this addictive loop collection provides a variety of arpeggiated synth leads, crystal-clear chord stabs and floor-filling drum sounds. Complemented by far-out sound effects and thick bass loops, Progressive House is an indispensable companion for producers of contemporary house music. A total of 34 construction kits provides a rich palette of inspiring audio loops for your productions.
199,00 €*
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