273,00 €*

Hersteller: MBHO
Produktinformationen "MBHO KA 100 LK"

A constant frequency response if the sound impinges frontally upon the capsule. This leads to a natural tonal response. With a non-axis impingement of sound upon the microphone, a decay of treble results. This effect is relevant when sound quotas come from other angles than 0°, for instance by reflections

KA 100 LK

  • recommended preamp      MBP 603 (A)     MBP 680 MBP 648 (A)
  • frequency response Hz 10 - 20.000  10 - 20.000    10 - 20.000
  • sensivity 12 mV/Pa 6 mV/Pa       6 mV/Pa
  • signal to noise ratio CCIR           68 dB 62 dB          67 dB
  • equivalent SPL rated at CCIR     26 dB            32 dB           27 dB
  • signal to noise ratio DIN/ IEC      80 dB 75 dB         80 dB
  • equivalent SPL rated at DIN / IEC 14 dB            19 dB            14 dB
  • max. spl 132 dB 132 dB          132 dB
  • size    ø 21 x 20 mm
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